CODE Docker image

The CODE Docker image can be installed to any x86-64 or arm64 host, and it is fully configurable.

How to grab the CODE image from Docker image

Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE) is available as a Docker image from Docker Hub. Currently, the supported platforms are x86-64, ppc64le and arm64, and the image was mostly tested on Linux. If you are not familiar with Docker concepts and basic commands, read the Docker Get Started document first.

Grab the Docker image
 docker pull collabora/code
Start a new container:
 docker run -t -d -p collabora/code

This is the minimal command line to start a new container. There are a few optional and recommended command line options:

  • --name collabora gives a specific name to the container instead of a random one.

  • --restart always restarts the container after a crash that may occur.

  • --privileged starts the container with rights required for faster jail creation via bind mount.

  • -p '[::1]:9980:9980' adds a port redirection for IPv6. If your host has IPv6 configured, you may want to add this if you get “Connection Refused” errors.

  • with -e you can pass environment variables to the container, see below.

How to configure Docker image

There are multiple ways to put application configuration into Docker containers. Collabora Online has many configuration options and the Docker image comes with a built-in /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml configuration file with the defaults.

1. Setting the application configuration dynamically via environment variables

After the -e command line option of docker run command you can define environment variables, that are passed to the container.

By default Collabora Online enables the first WOPI host that tries to connect. You can define the allowed WOPI hosts by passing environment variables.

aliasgroup1=https://<domain1>:443,https://<your-dot-escaped-aliasname1>|<your-dot-escaped-aliasname2>:443, aliasgroup1, aliasgroup2… and so on should be added as per the requirement. <domain1> is the WOPI host, i.e. your preferred File Sync and Share solution that implements the WOPI protocol, for example <your-dot-escaped-aliasname1>|<your-dot-escaped-aliasname2> are the aliasnames with which you can access the same WOPI host (in this case <domain1>) aliasnames can use regular expressions.If you don’t have any aliases, then only domain needs to be defined, for example aliasgroup2=https://<domain2>:443. With aliasgroup1=https://.*:443 you can allow everyone to connect (public demo site).

Other optional environment variables that you can pass to the container at startup are the following:


User name for the admin console


Password for the admin console


When this environment variable is set (is not “”), then startup script will not generate a new SSL certificate signed by a dummy CA. It is useful, if you want to use your own SSL certificate for some reason.


When this environment variable is set (is not “”), then startup script will generate a new SSL certificate signed by a dummy CA for this domain, not for localhost


When this environment variable is set (is not “”), then its value will be used as server name in /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml. Without this, CODE is not delivering a correct host for the websocket connection in case of a proxy in front of it.


By default only limited set of spelling dictionaries and thesauri are configured for CODE, mainly for performance reasons. The default set of languages is the following: de_DE en_GB en_US es_ES fr_FR it nl pt_BR pt_PT ru. With the dictionaries environment variable you can change this list. The dictionaries environment variable should contain the space separated list of language codes (optionally followed by country code). In order to save resources, it makes sense to load only those dictionaries that are actually needed.


You can pass extra command line parameters to coolwsd via this environment variable. For example, if you want to start coolwsd without SSL, when you test or develop, the syntax is: -e "extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false". To learn about all possible options, refer to the self-documented /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml configuration file in the Docker image.

2. Use the configuration file directly

After starting the container, you can copy the configuration file out of the container (using docker cp), edit it, and copy it back to the container. It is also possible to mount the configuration file, and modify it outside of the container. The container will notice that the configuration file has changed, and the service will be restarted (don’t forget the --restart always option when you start the container with docker run).


After starting of the container, try:

curl -k https://localhost:9980

You should get the OK string, if everything is in order. Otherwise, you can check the log with:

docker logs collabora


If you need customizations, for example additional fonts, you can build the docker image yourself. Please find everything in Collabora Online source code repository on GitHub.