Available integrations

Alfresco integration

Collabora Online makes a great combination with the Alfresco open source enterprise management solution, when integrated with the connector by Jeci, a partner of Collabora.

This Alfresco Community integration allows you to edit documents stored in Alfresco in the browser (text documents, spreadsheets and presentations) simultaneously on both Alfresco Share and Alfresco Content App.The extension adds an action Edit with Collabora™ Online on documents which can be opened with Collabora Online and if the user has the write permission. The document will be opened in an iFrame.

  git clone https://github.com/CollaboraOnline/alfresco-collabora-online.git

More info on Alfresco integration

Drupal integration

The Drupal integration allows you to edit or view in the browser office documents stored as media in Drupal. The extension adds an action Edit with Collabora Online on documents which can be opened with Collabora Online and if the user has the write permission. You can also view documents attached to a content page.

You can install the module directly like a regular Drupal module from your Drupal project.

  composer require 'drupal/collabora_online:^0.9@beta'

More info on Drupal integration

EGroupware integration

The Collabora Online integration enables EGroupware users to create, open and edit office files, such as text documents, spreadsheets or presentations, directly from within EGroupware. The integration adds a lot of convenient features to your collaborative workflow. It enables you to email documents directly from Collabora Online. You can also use your own default documents and insert images using EGroupware’s native file manager. EGroupware offers both an on-premise and a cloud solution.

  git clone https://github.com/EGroupware/collabora.git

More Info on EGroupware integration

Ilias integration

Ilias is an Open Source web-based Learning Management System and directly integrates Collabora Online. There is nothing else to install.

More Info on Ilias integration and how to use it

Mattermost integration

Collabora Mattermost integration allows Mattermost users to view and edit files directly in Mattermost. The integration will parse the messages that contain attachments and will display a list with the files that can be viewed or edited. The file is automatically saved when editing, so you don’t have to do it manually.

  git clone https://github.com/CollaboraOnline/collabora-mattermost.git

More Info on Mattermost integration

Moodle integration

The Collabora Online plugin for Moodle brings new possibilities to the popular open source learning platform: live editing of and cooperating on office documents.

More Info on Moodle integration

Collaborative document editing

This activity module enables Moodle users to create documents (simple text files, rich text, spreadsheets and presentation documents or upload a document) via a self-hosted Collabora Online Server and work collaboratively on this documents.

  git clone https://github.com/learnweb/moodle-mod_collabora.git

Collaborative submissions

Use live document collaboration within assignments, powered by Collabora Online.

This sub-module adds an additional type to submissions section: Collaborative Submissions and other options (initial file name, format, width and height of the document) allowing the student to start a submission by creating a new document on the fly.

  git clone https://github.com/learnweb/moodle-assignsubmission_collabora.git

Nextcloud integration

Nextcloud offers a unique-in-the-industry fully open source solution for on-premise data handling and communication with a uncompromising focus on security and privacy. The richdocumentscode is a built-in server with all of the document editing features of Collabora Online. Easy to install, for personal use or for small teams. A bit slower than a standalone server and without the advanced scalability features.

  git clone https://github.com/CollaboraOnline/richdocumentscode.git

More Info on Nextcloud integration

ownCloud integration

Collabora Productivity and ownCloud are proud to release a combined commercial solution including Collabora Online. Key features include Collaborative editing; Author new content; View and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations; Preservation of layout and formatting of documents; Insert comments, reply to comments; File revision history; Full screen presentation; Support for any modern web browser; Increase productivity while you stay in full control of sensitive corporate data

  git clone https://github.com/CollaboraOnline/richdocumentscode-owncloud.git

More Info on ownCloud integration

SharePoint integration

Collabora Online is perfectly equipped to integrate with your SharePoint 2016 Server. With just a few tweaks in your settings you will be able to open and edit documents using Collabora Online.

How to WOPI binding for Collabora Online in Sharepoint

More Info on SharePoint integration

WordPress™ integration

The Collabora Online for WP is a WordPress™ plugin that integrates Collabora Online to allow you to collaborate on office documents with other users.

You can install the plugins directly like a regular WordPress™ plugin from your WordPress™ installation.

The source code is available on GitHub